Session 4 (Session Chair: Habib M. Fardoun)
Executive functioning in addicts following health mobile cognitive stimulation Evidence from alcohol and heroin patients
Pedro Gamito, Jorge Oliveira and Paulo Lopes.
Remote assessment of the Heart Rate Variability to detect mental stress
Frédéric Bousefsaf, Alain Pruski and Choubeila Maaoui.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Based on Collaborative and Tangible Games
Elena de La Guía, Maria Dolores Lozano and Victor M. R. Penichet.
A Mobile Cloud-supported e-Rehabilitation Platform for Brain-Injuried Patients
Ángel Ruiz Zafra, Manuel Noguera, José Luis Garrido, Kawtar Benghazi, Alfonso Caracuel and Gustavo Cuberos.
Alzheimer's Disease Rehabilitation using Smartphones to Improve Patients' Quality of Life
Ahmad Zmily and Dirar Abu Saymeh.
15:45 – 16:00: Coffee Break
Session 5 (Session Chair: Sergio Albiol Pérez)
Creating and Updating models of Activities for people with Alzhéimer: Using JClic platform
Lorenzo Carretero González, Muhammed A. Mashat and Sebastián Romero López.
CRehab: A Cloud-based Framework for the Management of Rehabilitation Processes
Habib M. Fardoun, Antonio Paules Cipres, Jaime Ramírez Castillo and Sergio Albiol Pérez, Abdulrahman Altalhi.
16:30 – 16:45: Coffee Break
Session 6 (Session Chair: Belinda Lange)
Discussion Session of the Workshop Outcomes
18:30: Closing Session