Rehab Workshop 2013
King Abdulaziz University
ISE Research

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REHAB 2013 Workshop AGENDA
San Servolo Island,
Venice, Italy

Sunday 5th of May 2013


08:00 – 08:45: Welcome Desk / Registration

08:45 – 09:00: Workshop Opening / Presentation

09:00 – 09:30: Keynote Speaker (Belinda Lange)

Belinda Lange

Research Scientist
Institute for Creative Technologies

Research Assistant Professor
USC Davis School of Gerontology

Belinda Lange

Papers presentation:

Each paper has 10 minutes of presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

Session 1 (Session Chair: Belinda Lange)

  1. Assessment of rehabilitative exercises by humanoid robot
    Mikhail Simonov and Gianpiero Delconte.

  2. THERAPIST: Towards an Autonomous Socially Interactive Robot for Motor and Neurorehabilitation Therapies for Children
    Luis Vicente Calderita Estévez, Pablo Bustos García de Castro, Cristina Suárez Mejías, Fernando Fernández Rebollo and Antonio Bandera Rubio.

10:00 – 10:15: Coffee Break

Session 2 (Session Chair: Victor M. R. Penichet)

  1. Balance Disorder Rehabilitation through Movement Interaction
    Juan Enrique Garrido Navarro, Víctor M. R. Penichet, María Dolores Lozano and Irma Marset.

  2. Effect of a Kinect-based exercise game on improving cognitive performance in community-dwelling elderly
    Hiroki Kayama, Kazuya Okamoto, Shu Nishiguchi, Minoru Yamada, Tomohiro Kuroda and Tomoki Aoyama.

  3. Prescription Software for Recovery and Rehabilitation Using Microsoft Kinect
    Stephen Simmons, Rachel McCrindle, Malcolm Sperrin and Andy Smith.

  4. Virtual Reality System for Multiple Sclerosis Rehabilitation using KINECT
    José Antonio Lozano Quilis, Sergio Albiol Pérez, Hermenegildo Gil Gómez, Guillermo Palacios, Habib M. Fardoun, José Antonio Gil Gómez and Abdulfattah S. Mashat.

  5. The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - A serious game aiding rehabilitation in the context of Subacromial Impingement Syndrome
    Peter Fikar, Christian Schönauer and Hannes Kaufmann.

  6. Development of a novel therapy in virtual motor rehabilitation after severe Guillain-Barré symptomatology
    Sergio Albiol Pérez, Mercedes Forcano García, Mª Teresa Muñoz Tomás, Pilar Manzano Hernández, Sofía Solsona Hernández and José Antonio Gil Gómez.

Session 3 (Session Chair: Victor M. R. Penichet)

  1. SEQ: Suitability Evaluation Questionnaire for Virtual Rehabilitation Systems. Application in a Virtual Rehabilitation System for Balance Rehabilitation.
    José Antonio Gil Gómez, Pilar Manzano Hernández, Sergio Albiol Perez, Carmen Aula Valero, Hermenegildo Gil Gómez and José Antonio Lozano Quilis.

  2. Vibrotactile Cueing using Wearable Computers for Overcoming Learned Non-Use in Chronic Stroke
    Eric Luster, Troy McDaniel, Bijan Fakhri, Jim Davis, Morris Goldberg, Shantanu Bala and Sethuraman Panchanathan.

  3. Rehabilitation Low Vision Algorithm: For People with central or multiple losses of vision
    Habib M. Fardoun, Abdulfattah S. Mashat and Lorenzo Carretero González.

  4. Automated assessment and treatment of speech rate and intonation in dysarthria
    Heidi Martens, Gwen Van Nuffelen, Marc De Bodt, Tomas Dekens, Lukas Latacz and Werner Verhelst.

  5. fMRI assessment of small animals’ phobia using virtual reality as stimulus
    Miriam Clemente, Beatriz Rey, Aina Rodríguez Pujadas, JuaniBretón López, Alfonso, Barros Loscertales, Rosa M. Baños, Cristina Botella, Mariano Alcañiz and César Ávila.

13:15 – 14:15: Lunch

Session 4 (Session Chair: Habib M. Fardoun)

  1. Executive functioning in addicts following health mobile cognitive stimulation Evidence from alcohol and heroin patients
    Pedro Gamito, Jorge Oliveira and Paulo Lopes.

  2. Remote assessment of the Heart Rate Variability to detect mental stress
    Frédéric Bousefsaf, Alain Pruski and Choubeila Maaoui.

  3. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Based on Collaborative and Tangible Games
    Elena de La Guía, Maria Dolores Lozano and Victor M. R. Penichet.

  4. A Mobile Cloud-supported e-Rehabilitation Platform for Brain-Injuried Patients
    Ángel Ruiz Zafra, Manuel Noguera, José Luis Garrido, Kawtar Benghazi, Alfonso Caracuel and Gustavo Cuberos.

  5. Alzheimer's Disease Rehabilitation using Smartphones to Improve Patients' Quality of Life
    Ahmad Zmily and Dirar Abu Saymeh.

15:45 – 16:00: Coffee Break

Session 5 (Session Chair: Sergio Albiol Pérez)

  1. Creating and Updating models of Activities for people with Alzhéimer: Using JClic platform
    Lorenzo Carretero González, Muhammed A. Mashat and Sebastián Romero López.

  2. CRehab: A Cloud-based Framework for the Management of Rehabilitation Processes
    Habib M. Fardoun, Antonio Paules Cipres, Jaime Ramírez Castillo and Sergio Albiol Pérez, Abdulrahman Altalhi.

16:30 – 16:45: Coffee Break

Session 6 (Session Chair: Belinda Lange)

Discussion Session of the Workshop Outcomes

18:30: Closing Session




Habib M. Fardoun
King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
Saudi Arabia

© 2013 - REHAB 2013 - PervasiveHealth 2013 Workshop
Site designed by Antonio Hernández and Gabriel Sebastián